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Decodable Books: Removing the Guesswork

Promoting Effective Practice & Instruction, Leadership for Literacy

Session Description

Educators can help students achieve phonics mastery, fluency, accuracy, and even confidence by identifying and utilizing quality decodable books. Decodable books are a powerful and connected practice tool for beginning readers and are essential to building a strong foundation for capable reading skills. Reorganizing classroom libraries and using books to support and advance our students is essential to raise literacy scores, promote equity by meeting students where they are, and encourage students to find a love for reading through their confidence and successes.

<ul class="font_8">
  <li><p class="font_8">Elise Lovejoy, CEO, Express Readers</p></li>
<ul class="font_8">
  <li><p class="font_8">Elise Lovejoy, CEO, Express Readers</p></li>
Decodable Books: Removing the Guesswork


Elise Lovejoy
Express Readers

Elise Lovejoy is the founder/CEO of Express Readers, a company of teachers based out of Pasadena, CA, that has provided a TK-2nd grade foundational skills and reading program since 2014. Elise holds a BA and an MA in elementary education with 15+ years of experience in the classroom, grades K-2nd grade. Currently, she works with teachers across the country through professional development and program implementation to promote and apply practices based on the immense body of research on how students learn to read. Elise is also mom to two learning readers and an advocate in her local school district. 

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